Quiz-4 Geography

Q1. One of the states through which the Tropic of Cancer passes is
A)     Jammu & Kashmir
B)      Himachal Pradesh
C)      Bihar
D)     Jharkhand

Q2. On which of the following rivers, the Indo-Pak Bagalihar project is located?

A)     Chenab
B)      Jhelum
C)      Beas
D)     Sutlej

Q3. The world’s most active volcano

A)     Fujiyama
B)      Cotopaxi
C)      Kilaueu
D)     Vesuvius

Q4. What is the difference between IST & GMT

A)     5 h 10 min
B)      5 h 20 min
C)      5 h 30 min
D)     5 h 40 min

Q5. Which is the higher peak in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?

A)     Saddle peak
B)      Mount thuiller
C)      Mount Diavolo
D)     Mount Koyale

Q6. The river also known as Tsangpo in Tibet is

A)     Ganga
B)      Brahmaputra
C)      Indu
D)     Testa

Q7. Kaziranga National Park is famous for

A)     Rhinoceros
B)      Tiger
C)      Lion
D)     Crocodile

Q8. Which state in india has the world’s largest deposite of “Thorium”

A)     Kerala
B)      Karnataka
C)      Andhra Pradesh
D)     Assam

Q9. Rotation of Earth causes deflection of wind by

A)     Coriolis force
B)      Dynamic force
C)      Gradient force
D)     Gravity force

Q10. The Iceland of Corsica is associated with

A)     Mussolini
B)      Hitler
C)      Napoleon Bonaparte
D)     Winston Churchill

1. D   2.A   3.B   4.C   5.A   6.B   7.A   8.A   9.A   10.C


  1. Answers for quiz-4:
    1. D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.C

  2. Explanation Q1.
    Tropic of cancer passing through Indian states are as follows
    2- Rajasthan
    3- Madhaya Pradesh
    4- Chattisgarh
    5- Jharkhand
    6- West Bengal
    7- Tripura
    8- Mizoram
