Quiz-19 Science (Chemistry)

Q1. The chemical used as a ‘fixer’ in photography
A)     Sodium sulphate
B)      Sodium thiosulphate
C)      Ammonium sulphate
D)     Borax

Q2. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the wavelength of radiation
A)     UV > Green > IR > Hard X-rays
B)      IR > Green > UV > Hard X-rays
C)      UV > Hard X-rays > IR > Green
D)     IR > Hard X-ray > Green > UV

Q3. Which of the following fertilizer has the maximum % of nitrogen
A)     Ammonium sulphate
B)      Urea
C)      Calcium cyanamide
D)     Calcium ammonium nitrate

Q4. Which of the following is not contains in Portland cement
A)     Ca3Al2O6
B)      Ca3SiO5
C)      Ca2Sio4
D)     Ca3(PO4)2

Q5. Which one of the following acid is used for etching glass
A)     H2SO4
B)      HNO3
C)      HF
D)     HCl

Q6. Nuclear fusion requires very temperatures so as to overcome
A)     Van der waal’s forces
B)      Nuclear force
C)      Gravitational force
D)     Coulomb force

Q7. What is the colour of oxygen in solid state
A)     Pale yellow
B)      Pale blue
C)      Light green
D)     Greenish yellow

Q8. In surgery, metal pins are used for joining together broken bones. the metal pins remains uncorroded in the body. What is the material of the pins
A)     Copper
B)      Iron
C)      Aluminium
D)     Titanium

Q9. H2o is liquid and H2S is a gas because
A)     Oxygen forms stronger hydrogen bond than sulphur
B)      Oxygen is less electronegative than sulphur
C)      Atomic radius of oxygen is less than that of sulphur
D)     Atomic radius of oxygen is greater than that of sulphur

Q10. In chemical terms, what are the alums used for purifying water for drinking purpose
A)     Hydrated chlorides
B)      Double nitrate
C)      Double sulphate
D)     Nitrates of aluminium

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Answer Key is updated with Explanation in comment box on next day of uploding this post.


  1. Answer Key:
    1.B 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C

  2. Explanation of Q1.
    Photographic fixer is a mix of chemicals used in the final step in the photographic processing of film or paper. The fixer stabilises the image, removing the unexposed silver halide remaining on the photographic film.

    Fixation is commonly achieved by treating the film or paper with a solution of thiosulfate salt. Popular salts are sodium thiosulfate—commonly called hypo

  3. Explanation of Q3.
    Ammonium sulfate (AS) has relatively low nitrogen content (21 percent N). It also contains 24 percent sulfur (S).

    Ammonium nitrate (AN) is a more concentrated source of nitrogen containing 33.5 percent to 34.5 percent N.

    Urea is the most concentrated solid nitrogen fertilizer available (46 percent N), and has become the world’s major source of nitrogen.

  4. Explanation of Q5.
    Etching refers to the technique of creating art on the surface of glass by applying acidic, caustic, or abrasive substances.
    it consists of fluoride compounds, such as hydrogen fluoride and sodium fluoride

  5. Explanation of Q8.
    the most common material used for plates or pins is stainless steel or titanium because they function well. They do not react with the body, never rust, are very resistant to corrosion, and they are strong enough to resist fatigue while the bone is healing.

  6. Explanation of Q9.
    The ability of Oxygen atom to pull electrons is greater than of Sulfur i.e. O is more electronegetive than S. When an hydrogen is connected to an highly electronegative element like Oxygen (this usually happens with fluorine, oxygen, and nitrogen), it has higher intermolecular forces like Hydrogen bonding. Its a very strong bond that packs the water molecules closely together, forming a liquid while sulfur does not attract H nearly as strongly so they dissociate into a gas.

  7. Explanation of Q10.
    potassium aluminium sulfate or KAl(SO4)2 — help settle the dust particles in water
